Iceland: Golden Circle and South Coast, Ringtour or Westfjords

Its true that the plain tickets were less expensive that in the past but, Iceland is still a very expensive destination to go.  Room rental is VERY expensive, whit a very low offer.  The same whit food, for a family of 3, the cost of alimentation wood be a very big effort for our budget so, we started doing the math and, decided to stay in Iceland for 8 days/seven nights. We wood love and, after the trip, we are sure that we could be traveling for much more time but, for economic reasons, we had to decide for the 8 days.

We bought the plain tickets, so we were arriving at Iceland on 1 June, and leaving on 8 June.  Now the big question was, what to do whit that time. So we had to start thinking of what we wanted to see and, what we wood had to let for a second trip.  Well, Reykjavik was a “must do”, the question is “were to go next?”.It was easy to take the decision to rent a car.  Whit one son, we really tink it’s the best whay to travel on Iceland, self-driving. We could make our plans, stop when ever we wanted. Now we had to choose what to do and, we had 2 major plans:

First Plan- Golden Circle and South Coast
The first plan that we made was to see the Golden Circle and the South Coast.  That wood give us the chance of going to some of the famous places that Iceland has to offer. We could stay In Reykjavik for maybe 2 nights, then go to the Golden Circle, all the way to Hofn. That wood give us a good time to relax, we will not rush but, it wood have to major problems. The first is that on the way back to Reykjavik, we wood have to return on the same track (Route 1) and, its always a waste of time being in a new country and repeat the same places, especially when there’s so many tings to see. And, in Iceland, there is ALLWAYS a lot to see.

The other major problem was that we wood miss so much tings that wee wood like to see, especially the even less populated parts of Iceland and, the biggest waterfall of Iceland, Dettifoss, something that we always wanted to see and, one of the best places to see whales, Húsavik.

Second Plan- Ring Road
That means to go on the national road 1. That wood be more tiring for all of us, especially whit a child. But, it was the only way of covering almost all of the places we wanted to see.

We even had a third Plan:
Stay in Reykjavik for a couple of days and go to the Westfjords.

That was really a good idea but, we soon decided that it wood have to be for a second trip to Iceland, because the principal places we wood like to see first were closer to the Route 1.

Because we couldn’t miss the north part of Iceland, we opted to do a Round Trip around the country, the famous Route 1, doing the Ring Tour. And that was our plan. Now was time to study and plan. See our itinerary here.

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