Day 4 in Iceland - From Hofn to Reykjahlíð (435 Kms)

We leaft Hofn behind after a quick morning visit and, passed by Djúpivogur (104 kms), a small village south of East Fjords. 

Fjord Berufjörður- We continued our trip just near Fjord Berufjörður, in the region of East Fjords. I tink the West Fjords are more spectacular but, that is for our second trip to Iceland.

Road 939- After that, our plan was to continue driving near the sea, until we head nort to Egilsstaðir to lunch. That wood be a big drive and, we sow on map a short cut, going by the road 939, a gravel road. Well, we choose the safe way, going for the route 1 but, one mistake made me us go for the road 939.

I have to say that we were a little scared at the beginning but, our car was great and, in the end, we have to say that we really loved the adventure. Icelanders use the road but, for someone that isn’t use to TT, like us, is a adventure. We were lucky because it was a good day but, in the winter I think that the road is closed. Whit rain or fog it can be more dangerous so, if you chose to go for that road (or if you go my mistake like us), be careful.

See this youtube video of someone that did that way, so you can decide if you want to take that chance or not.

At the end, I can say that it was a great fell, it’s very beautiful and a real adventure, and I wood do it the same way again.

From Djúpivogur to Egilsstaðir is 86 Kms, whit 19 kms on the gravel road 939, so be very careful whit your driving.

Lagarfljót- Before you get to the city, you will pass near the lake Lagarfljót. It a very depp and dark lake, that is believe to host a monster, whit the name Lagarfljótsormurinn, and the description of it is very similar whit the Monster of Loch Ness. We didn’t see it.

Egilsstaðir- After you cross the bridge over Lögurinn, you arrive at Egilsstaðir. Here is a good place for fuel and for lunch (it has a subway!!!!).  From here you can to go Seyðisfjörður (54kms), that it a pretty village just near the end of a fjord. But, to come and go its more than 100 kms, on a day that had so much to drive, so we let it pass but, if you are staying more days in Iceland than us, I think you should go.

Dettifoss- We fill our belly and our car, and went headed to Dettifoss, one of our biggest goals in Iceland.  Now one advise we have to give. There are 2 roads that take you to Dettifoss, 864 (east) and 862 (west). Our advice is to go by the 862, because its paved (864 is a gravel road and, we had enough gravel for a day), and safer. The views are pretty in both sides.

Going by the 862, you have a parking, whit facilities and, it’s a easy 15 minute walk to waterfall. Dettifoss isn’t the prettiest waterfall but, it’s the most impressive. In the middle of nowhere, its so powerful, so dark, such a fury of the nature!!  Its so impressive. If you sow the beginning of Prometheus, you would recognize the waterfall from the beginning of the movie. 

Be careful all the time and, don’t leave the marked paths.

Delfoss- A little below you will see Delfoss, it’s a easy walk from Dettifoss but, when you leave it, you will only be thinking on Dettifoss.

Námafjall or Námaskarð- You return for the same road and go to Námafjall or Námaskarð. And if you tink you were in the Moon a lot of times in Iceland, now yor gonna tink you are on Mars, its so strange. The smell is the worst in Iceland, the sulfur smell is impossible to avoid and, theres no many mosquitos!!! They don’t bite, I don’t know way, but they are so many and so anoyng. It’s a strange must see place but, you will not be there for a long time.

Also be very carefull to stay on the marked paths, and watch the stunning pools of bubbling mud, boiling hot springs, the steam vents, fumaroles.

Reykjahlíð- And for the end of this big day, we went to Reykjahlíð, a small village near Lake Mývatn. Be careful because this was the most expensive night we pay all over Iceland and, the offer is very limited, so you have to reserve really soon, before all gets booked.

There we sow the “Game of Thrones Cave” the Grjotagja Cave (see here how to get there on google maps), the skutustadir pseudo craters and Dimmuborgir, a place composed of various volcanic caves and rock formations, pretty coll.

We were very tired but, before went to bed, we had time for a quick and good pizza at Daddi’s Pizza, on Vogar, Lake Myvatn, 660 Iceland. That and a beer it was the perfect end for a very big day.

You can see our next day here.

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